
How To Get Free Trial Contact Lenses

Free Trial Pair of Non-Prescription Colored Contacts

Receive a free trial pair of non prescription colored contacts and get online rebates for colored contacts from popular brands like Johnson & Johnson Bausch & Lomb, Cooper Vision & Acuvue.  

Each company has free trial offers all the time.

Can You Get Colored Contacts Without A Prescription?

You shouldn't trust a retailer that will send you free colored contacts or allow you to purchase color contacts without a prescription. They are actually breaking the law.

You will need to visit an optometrist in order for them to measure your eyes to determine the right lens for your eyes. 

It is necessary to get a prescription so you are getting the correct magnification and fit.

Even for non corrective lenses that do nothing to improve your vision 

Manufacturers of contact lenses are happy to give out free contacts when you have a prescription since they need to ensure the lenses they send out are fitted correctly for your comfort.

Free Contact Lenses by Mail - Coupons, Forms and Rebates

Special deals on contact lenses range from

  • Coupons
  • Free trials
  • Contact lens rebate

If you purchase contact lenses on-line, you generally get the ultimate value 

You can normally get a complimentary sample pair of contacts at participating your eye-care specialist, if you're considering shifting from eyewear to wearing contacts. 

Test lenses are offered by prescription-only. 

A doctor's eye examination will discover if contacts are appropriate for you.

Free Trial Contact Lenses – How To Get Free Lens Samples

You need to place orders for so many brands of free trial contact lenses, demo, sample and test contacts because the more brands you try the more likely you're going to get a match you will like. 

You can also get free lenses for specific needs like

  • Astigmatism
  • Reading
  • Distance vision correction
  • Bifocal Lenses

Online is generally the best place to view the extensive range many of the manufacturers stock as opposed to going to a store.

Be certain whenever you're requesting free 30 days contacts online to be particular. 

Free Colored Contacts  – Optometrists Have Free Samples Too

There are a couple ways in which you can go about acquiring samples of coloured lenses if you need to test them out yourself.

Many optometrists get free samples of contact lenses to give out for their patients to try out.

First thing that we suggest you try is visit a local optometrists office and inform them that you are considering giving colored contact lenses a try.

Let them know that you're hesitant about buying them before you have an opportunity to test them out first when you have not used lenses before. 

Chances are they will have some samples for you. 

It is particularly important when you have dark eyes. 

Some colors don't cover well when you have dark eyes behind them. There are loads of lenses out there that are especially for people with dark eyes.

Free Contact Lenses – How To Take Care of Your Trial Contact Lenses

You need to look after your new contact lenses. After all they are going into your eyes which are very delicate and susceptible to infections if you don’t look after them well. 

Follow the directions the manufacturers have included with the free trial samples. They will give you details on

  • Lens care
  • Lens wear replacement
  • Any other guidelines

Contact your eye doctor promptly, in case that any of these conditions occurs. To find out more on security, attention and wear, speak to your own eye care professional

The one thing to be mindful of, however, is that you definitely should not share contact lenses with anyone. 

Doing this could still spread cause eye infections and germs, bacteria.

Free Trial Contacts for Astigmatism – Do They Make Colored Contacts for Astigmatism?

If you suffer from astigmatism, don't worry. They now make great lenses for astigmatism.

Most individuals can change from wearing glasses if they have astigmatism to contact lenses. 

The kind of contact lenses you are searching for are named Toric Contact Lenses. 

There are several brands available and also the technology keeps improving every year. 

One brand is Vertex Toric Contact Lenses

The way these lenses fit in your eyes is very important since when the lens isn't lined-up accurately, you won't have clear vision. 

Try out as many free trial contacts for astigmatism as you can so that you can see which brands and lens manufacturers perform the best for your eyes.

Non Corrective Colored Contact Lenses - Contacts for Dark Eyes or Light Eyes

Non corrective colored contacts are also known as non prescription colored contacts.

The types of contact lenses for dark eyes which you require are called Opaque Lenses.

Light colored contacts can be used by people with light colored eyes, also known as Enhancement Color Contacts.

They allow for your natural eye color to shine through, as opposed to opaque lenses which block all natural color out.

If you need to have non corrective colored contacts you will need to see an eye doctor.

Sampling various brands can help decide which manufacturer you like the best.

Prescription Colored Contacts

If you already are a contact lens wearer, then it’s a easy exercise for you to get prescription colored contacts. 

As long as your existing prescription is less than a year old, you are good to go. 

You are even able to get a free sample prescription for colored contacts offered by the lens manufactures.

Low Cost Contact Lenses -

Once you have gone through your free samples, it’s time to pick a brand you want to use.

There are several easy means to get low cost contact lenses even when you're finished using the complimentary contact lens samples. 

Discounts on contact lenses are everywhere and this doesn't mean your eyes must settle with a pair that's not a name brand. 

Just check out the various discount websites selling the name brands we have previously mentioned and you will be ready to go.... in the blink of an eye.

Choosing Colored Contacts for Dark Eyes

Color Contacts for Dark Eyes -  What You Need To Know

Color contacts for dark eyes, as well as light eyes, have been developed to cater for an increasing desire to change your appearance just by changing how your eyes look. We will go through some ways how to and even how to get a pair for free.

Color Contacts for Dark Eyes – What Colored Contacts Do I Go For?

Most people think that it is not possible to make dark colored eyes appear a lighter color. 

While blue eyes can be made to look bluer with blue contacts and green eyes greener with green contacts, the idea that dark brown or black eyes could be made to look green or blue conjures up an image of eye color ending up a nondescript shade. 

This, however, is not entirely true. 

If you’re looking for colored contacts for dark eyes, it is important to understand the different types of colored contacts that are available on the marketplace so that you can choose the ones that are best suited for dark eyes.

While it has always been easier to go from being a blond to a brunette, changing color from dark to light is definitely trickier. This is where colored contacts for dark eyes come into play.

Color Contacts for Dark Eyes - Get the Best Color Contacts for Dark Eyes

There are two main types of colored contacts that are sold today. 

Probably the most popular type of colored contacts are:

1. Enhancement Lenses.

These type of contacts are mostly transparent with an added tint that is used to enhance the natural color of the eyes. 

If you have murky green eyes, they can be made to look a more radiant green,

If you have a gray-blue eyes they can be made to look more like a sky blue. 

Clearly if you would like your dark eyes to appear blue, green, or any other shade that is lighter than your natural color then enhancement lenses are not going to work.

Color Contacts for Dark Eyes - Opaque Contact Lenses for Dark Eyes

The second type of colored contacts that are available are called

2. Opaque Lenses.

Opaque is the opposite of transparent meaning nothing can be seen through it. 

Opaque contact lenses for dark eyes may or may not be dark contacts – they may also be light colored. 

Opaque lenses consequently completely cover the underlying color of the eyes and can replace it with a brand new color.

This makes opaque lenses a perfect type of colored contact lens for dark eyes. 

If you think that opaque colored lenses will be a solid color and therefore look very unnatural then you are mistaken. 

Opaque lenses simulate the natural hues of the different eye colors. 

This means that they are a mix of different hues and just as the color of the eyes are darkest around the edge and lightest in the middle, so too are opaque colored lenses.

Color Contacts for Dark Eyes - Getting Non Prescription Colored Contacts

There are a few practical things to take into consideration before embarking on your purchase of colored contacts for dark eyes or for any color contact lenses. 

The first thing you need to know is that even if you are looking for nonprescription colored contacts you still need a prescription. 

It used to be that color contacts used for fashion purposes did not require a prescription. 

In 2005 however the FDA’s issued it’s regulation that colored contacts are considered a medical device even if they are not for corrective purposes. 

This is not a bad thing, in fact it is always a good idea to have your eyes checked by an ophthalmologist or an optometrist. 

Either of these two can give you a prescription for colored contact lenses.

Color Contacts for Dark Eyes - How Much Do Colored Contacts Cost?

The other thing to keep in mind is how much colored contact lenses cost and how long they will last. 

Most are designed as disposable and are meant to last 90 days before having to be replaced. 

If you do not wear them often, however, then they can last longer. 

Prices for disposable colored contact lenses range from $30-$40.

Acuvue color contacts for dark eyes are available. 

It definitely is best to go with a name brand so that you know they’re being made with quality materials.

Now that you understand the different types of color contacts for dark eyes, including opaque contact lenses for dark eyes, you will be able to make an informed decision and acquire the colored contacts best for your dark eyes.

Color Contacts for Dark Eyes - Free Colored Contact Lenses for Dark Eyes

You can even get free, trial samples of colored contact lenses (trial opaque lenses). 

These rebates and certificates that you find online are the same as for regular contacts. 

The great thing is that you get to try different brands AND different colors. 

You can see which ones work best for you and which ones look best ON you. That’s a bonus!

You can get a free colored contacts sample if you have dark or light colored eyes. 

Maybe try blue contacts for dark color eyes.

Your eye color doesn’t matter but people with dark eyes are often looking to change their eye color with colored contacts. 

Ask your eye doctor about how to get a free pair of trial contact lenses

Non Prescription Colored Contacts

Non Prescription Colored Contact Lenses – What You Need to Know

Non prescription colored contact lenses and what you need to know about them is what you will discover here.

Change the color of your eyes… simply! We’ll examine what colored contacts are, what they do and ways maybe even get them for free. 

Get colored contacts to change the color of your eyes easily. Many individuals today are seeing how non prescription colored contacts can alter their appearance. They are available for men and women within their teens, twenties and upwards,

If you'd like to buy contact lenses without a doctor’s prescription, you could find some solutions online.

Non Prescription Lenses – Online

You can purchase eye contact lenses from local eye-care facilities or on the web. An online store normally has the widest variety to you from which to choose. 

Many companies provide trial offer samples for those who prefer to try before they buy, an especially good idea for first time buyers who may be significantly impressed by the many alternatives available to them.

What are Non Prescription Colored Contacts?

Non prescription colored contacts, or plano contacts (are often called unprescription colored contacts), are one of the newest, hottest trends out there with thousands having discovered the fun of transforming their eye color. 

Colored contacts usually don’t give vision correction, which explains why they are often called non-prescription.

They're available through local outlets or on the web and should be properly used and maintained.

Be an educated consumer by knowing what to expect and how to maintain eye health.

Realize that you will require a prescription from an eye care professional before purchase.

Can I Get Non Prescription Colored Connections Without A Prescription?

You will often find non prescription color contacts in stores but these stores almost certainly aren't asking you for a prescription from a doctor.

Given that they may damage your eyes do not choose cheap colored non prescription contacts. Get a brand name for sure.

Before you start putting things in to your eyes it’s just common sense to see an eye physician.

As required by federal law, an eye test and prescription are essential before purchasing contacts of any kind.

If you decide to buy your lenses on the web, you'll have to give proof of a prescription.

Though plano lenses could once be bought without a prescription, these were eventually classified as medical devices due to complaints and reports of injuries caused by misuse and faulty lenses.

An eye examination ensures a suitable fit, is affordable and gives health practitioners the opportunity to train patients on eye health and contact care, producing a much safer experience for the wearer.

Color Contact Lenses for Dark Eyes

In the lightest colored eyes to the darkest brown, there are alternatives for everyone.

Contacts can offer a unique search no matter what your natural eye color.

For a far more remarkable change or for those people who have normally dark eyes, opaque contacts may entirely cover the normal eye color with a thick layer of the color of one's choice.

For a subtle impact, choose enhancement lenses that may, as the name indicates, just improve your natural color. It’s the most suitable choice for those with light colored eyes who just want a further natural shade.

Lenses should include various colors, hues and patterns to more closely resemble the eye.

Vision won't be adversely affected by either sort of lenses, with plenty of room provided in the center of lenses for normal pupil function.

Free Trial Non Prescription Colored Contact Lenses

Non-prescription colored contacts have become favored by people who need to have just a little added fun increasing and changing their appearance.

Visiting an eye care professional will give you an eye exam, prescription and information prior to purchase or trial.

Choose from enhancement or opaque lens varieties depending on the desired effect or type of eyes you have.

Work with a reputable supplier who wants to see a prescription, it’s usually necessary in most countries, especially so within the U.S.

You may get free of charge non prescription colored contacts samples from companies like Acuvue and Dursoft Colors.

We've more information about how-to do that with other articles found on this site

Non Prescription Contacts – How To Get Contact Lenses

People looking for colored contacts will find out that they will have to see an optometrist, even if you want non corrective non prescription colored contact lenses.

You see in order to get safe, healthy & reputable lenses you will need to visit an optometrist.

Not everyone has the same sort of eyes. An optometrist will determine the curvature of your eyes to ensure you are fitted correctly for your new lenses.

Obtaining the right fit also can assist in preventing eye infections.

Seeing an optometrist for a meeting is quick and easy.

Wearing Colored Contacts

Following some basic directions will give you the most effective possible experience along with your new contacts.

  • Never share contacts with friends as this can spread infection from one person to another.
  • Plain tap water contains bacteria and should not be used on your lenses.
  • Don’t wear for more than 8 hours at a time (although you can get lenses that are designed for longer periods of wear)
  • Always remove before sleeping
  • Always clean with a contact solution designed for contact lenses

You may possibly experience some initial vexation, if you've never used contacts before.

This will subside within a couple of days as your eyes adjust to the lenses.

Typical problems may include:
  • Itching,
  • Redness
  • Light sensitivity.

By starting with only one hour or so of contact use daily and gradually increasing time, these problems can be minimized or prevented.

Non Prescription Colored Contacts at Walgreens

Some people are seeking non prescription colored contacts at stores like Walgreens or Walmart.

Frequently, it is possible to find color contacts at beauty salons and novelty stores.

They should not be used, unless the store has a optical section.

Wal-mart has one such section in many of their stores now, but I don’t believe Walgreens does. 

You need to get contact lenses of any sort via an optometrist, since it’s a legal requirement to get a prescription even when they're simply for cosmetic use.


Individuals seeking to get non prescription colored contacts may be able to acquire them in a few areas, but it’s advisable to seek the help of a trained professional to get a prescription, so you end up receiving the correct lenses for your eye type. 

How To Get Free Contact Lenses

Get Free Trial Color Contact Lenses

Get free trial color contact lenses before purchasing a pair of them. A hue of colors are available online and you might be amazed at the many pictures you'll see. 

But it is for sure, what's shown in the images might differ from the actual look of these colored contact lenses in the real world. 

Worse is, sometimes what they show might surprisingly don’t match at all with what you receive. So, relying upon online pictures can be foolish.

Here is the best way of doing it - a bit lengthy, but a good way to try colored contact lenses in order to get a pair that suits you. 

Step: 1 

Browse through online contact lens retailer websites and pick the ones you like. Before doing that, it's good to have a basic idea of purpose for your lenses. 

For instance, think about what kind of occasion you want to wear them for, day or night time or just for regular usage. 
Depending on what kind of purpose you have, you can dig a bit of info when online. 

You can get plenty of stuff related to the types of colored contact lenses you can get and how to pick a pair. 
This information is important for whose who are just getting into the world of colored lenses. 

Several articles can tell you how many types of contact lenses are available, what their specialty is, how they work, their advantages and disadvantages and lots more!

Once you scroll through various tints of contact lenses, try to locate a bar or message on that website which says ‘free trial’. 

Now, once you locate it, click on that tab and follow the procedures – usually, there will be a small form that you have to fill and submit. 

If you have opted for more than one trail, fill in separate forms. They will give you a trial certificate after a bit. 

Step: 2 

Take a print out of the trial certificate and go to an optometrist. 

He will give you a prescription with which you can obtain a trial pack of color contact lenses that you wanted to try. 

Ask your doctor about which brand would suit you better. He may suggest you the right one that works for you. 

Step: 3

Well, trying doesn’t mean inserting the contact lenses and staring at your impression in a mirror. Have patience and give it a nice try. 

-      Check in various lights – indoor and outdoor. Contacts give a different look in natural light and
     artificial light. 

-       Try to notice how comfortable you are when wearing them. 

      If you have gone for a nice brand, in most times you won't have any trouble. Still, put them on for a while and observe how you feel.

-       Try reading or watching TV with them. 

     This makes for a better way to understand how comfortable you are when wearing them.
        This should come first actually, check how you look. 

Step: 4

Buy the pair of colored contact lenses that you have determined would look better on you and are also comfortable.